
4111 Rice Drier Rd Suite 1A, Pearland 775817

Features in our Products

Standard features

The Wet Start™ Feature enables immediate startup while the treater is still wet. Output power is modulated to evaporate any trapped moisture and normal corona is resumed automatically when the system is dry enough to support a normal corona.

The Smart Feedback™ feature provides comprehensive protection for electronic circuitry against overloads, short circuits and other mishaps. It also provides substantial savings in electric power consumption. This feature is standard on all Encore Corona Generators

Smart Alarm minimizes waste due to untreated film by automatically arming the alarm switch.

Roller Interlocks are safety circuts that automatically cut output if the rollers ever stop turning.

Door Interlocks protect the operators if the Treater Station door is ever opened by cutting power.

Optional features

Proportional Treat is a control technique that ajusts the power to match the speed of the web.

Skip-Treat is a sensor driven treat 'pause' that allows segments of the line to be left untreated.

Watt density control is a system that allows the user to specify some set variables to the unit; the unit will then keep a specific energy density set on the front panel.


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